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– тоді організатори у другій частині зідзвону зможуть додати Вас у Zoom-кімнату з українцями.
23 травня з 16:00 до 18:00 відбудеться англомовний семінар «Практики діалогу» з університетом Норвегії. Його проводить Глобальна мережа дослідників Народних вищих шкіл, що заснована профессором Йоханом Ловгреном (Південно-Східний університет Норвегії).
Деталі – нижче.
Якщо ви розумієте англійську мову – реєструйтесь https://nettskjema.no/a/337899#/page/1
Нажаль, ми не зможемо технічно забезпечити якісний синхронний переклад.
Деталі про семінар
This is an online seminar organized by GNFR on 23rd of May.
The Global Network for Folk high school Research (GNFR) presents the online seminar The practice of dialogue, 23rd of May 15.00-17.00 (CET) – 16:00-18:00 Ukraine time.
The aim of the seminar is to try out tools for dialogical practice.
Part I (English language)
- The webinar starts with a short presentation of the background and theories that have shaped these practices. Michael Weiss, associate professor at The University of South-Eastern Norway has, from his background in Philosophical practice, developed tools for dialogical practice. One of his recently published research projects[1] implemented these in a folk high school setting. He will share these practical tools and explain some of the frameworks that he sees as central to dialogue.
- Garry Nicholson, a member of the GNFR core committee and an academic tutor with Sunderland University, has just finished a PhD which included the analysis of dialogical practices in folk high schools. He will share from his recent project, which focused on implementing Socratic dialogues in adult and community education.
Part II (groups in Portuguese, Spanish or Ukrainian)
In the second part of the seminar, we will split into small groups where we try out one form of dialogical practice, sharing from our own experiences and developing our understanding of dialogue as practice in education.
Part III (English language)
The seminar ends with a plenum discussion where we share our experiences from the group session and Michael and Garry answer questions in response to the experiences of the groups.
Register for the seminar here.
Zoom link for the seminar will be sent to registered attendees a few days in advance. For more information on GNFR, visit our website.
[1] Michael Weiss book can be downloaded here.